Well, I finally took the IBCLE to become an international board certified lactation consultant. All I can say is: WHOA! It was such a strange exam... and hard for me as a nursery nurse to understand what answer they were looking for at times... as a newborn nurse, I would definitely choose one answer, but as an IBCLC, should I choose this other answer? Anyway, it was really tough and I did not feel much relief after the exam was over. But they make us wait an agonizingly long time before we find out our exam results. So... I'll let you know in OCTOBER if I'm an IBCLC or not (gulp).
In other news.... I am thrilled to say that I am expecting a precious little baby to make his or her appearance sometime in March 2013. I am thrilled and nervous... but I admit, I'm much less anxious than I was expecting to be which is a BLESSING. We had an ultrasound last week and the little wombling was looking great, with a steady 144 bpm heart rate. :) This is my FIFTH pregnancy (holy cow) and I have to say.... I really hate the first trimester. haha. I am thrilled to try again after my horrible losses of last year. Hopefully baby stays sticky!
I am exhausted, in part because it has been CRAY CRAY at work! I don't know what happened... but it has been a full on baby boom the past few days. Our NICU is PACKED and closed to new admissions (they are transferring high risk moms to other hospitals) which has never happened before. We are getting delivery after delivery. I'm working longer hours and I totally feel like a zombie this morning.
My awesome son turned FOUR years old yesterday as well. Four years of motherhood! I can't believe it. He is such a sweet kid, and I just love him. So much has happened in the last four years! This is the first year that I've been able to strictly celebrate HIM and his life on his birthday, and not reflect on the traumatic labor and c-section that brought him into the world. In fact, I didn't even think about it, which is a surprise and a relief. I had to work on his birthday (boo) but I had a lovely morning and afternoon with my snuggly guy and we will have a party next week. The poor kid had a kind of lousy birthday last year because I was in the hospital and recovering from my hemorrhagic miscarriage. So, we're going all out for him this year. He deserves it, he is a great kid!
Life is good. :)